IN just a matter of months, a nursery slammed as Inadequate by education watchdogs has turned it around with a praising recent inspection.

An Ofsted inspector detailed scenes of ‘chaos’ at Jumping Jacks Nursery where children were ‘at risk of harm’ during their previous visit on March 10 this year.

But a more recent inspection on August 16 determined the Ullswater Road nursery to be good.

Inspector Chris Scully observed a ‘fun-filled and inclusive learning environment’ far from the ‘loud and chaotic’ picture painted in the last inspection.

Mr Scully began his praising report, saying: “Staff develop warm, nurturing relationships with children, which helps them to feel safe and secure.

“Babies seek out their key person for comfort when they are tired or upset. This helps them to settle.”

A new leadership team is a focal point of the inspection of the nursery, located on the outskirts of Warrington.

The report says, “The new leadership team's enthusiasm is infectious.

“It works with staff to ensure that children receive good-quality care and education. Leaders ensure that staff receive training and support.

“This has empowered staff and led to improved outcomes for children.”

Back in January this year, recorded complaints were received by the education regulators with concerns of whether the setting was meeting its requirements and the nursery was issued with a set of actions it must take to better the provision.

These actions seem to have been taken on board by Jumping Jacks, who now offer a ‘well balanced’ curriculum and ‘plan meaningful activities that capture the children’s curiosity’.

Mr Scully also noted what a ‘language-rich’ environment it is and how children who attend develop a love for reading.

“They talk about different stories, such as 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar', and include the story in various aspects of their play,” he said.

Staff were praised for their support for children with SEND as well as their support for ‘physical development and wellbeing’ among all the children.

“Children enjoy a range of healthy meals and snacks. Babies gain confidence to crawl and pull themselves up on furniture.

“Older children talk about their heart beating fast and pumping blood to their brain. They said this 'helps their brain to grow'. Children develop a positive attitude to staying fit and well.”

Safeguarding, which was flagged as an issue in previous reports, is now determined as ‘effective’ among staff.

“They understand how to identify safeguarding concerns and the action that they need to take.

“This helps keep children safe. Recruitment and vetting procedures ensure that children are cared for by suitable staff.”