BIRCHWOOD High commends its class of 2023 amid results day after a ‘challenging year’ for pupils dealing with the devastating loss of fellow student Brianna Ghey.

Expressing pride for each pupils’ achievements, head teacher Emma Mills said: “This year group have had a very challenging year with the terrible loss of their classmate Brianna in February, who should have been receiving her results today too.

“They have shown real determination and courage – we could not be any prouder of them.”

Staff were ‘delighted’ with results received from pupils across the board, with special praise going to performing arts and dance students that achieved a 100 per cent pass rate.

Warrington Guardian: Pictured: Year 11 pupil Theo JamisonPictured: Year 11 pupil Theo Jamison (Image: Birchwood High)

All BTEC Enterprise students also achieved a pass grade or above, along with those studying French.

A special mention was also given to the new students who joined from Hong Kong over the last two years.

“They have worked especially hard whilst also playing an invaluable role within the school community and have achieved remarkable results," Mrs Mill said.

Some of the high achieving students from the year group have included head girl, Estelle Ero, and head boy, Benjamin Gregory who achieved ‘outstanding results’.

Estelle was awarded one level 2 distinction *, one level 2 distinction, two 8s, four 7s and two 6s.

Warrington Guardian: Happy students opened their envelopes to find out if their hard work had paid offHappy students opened their envelopes to find out if their hard work had paid off (Image: Birchwood High)

Meanwhile Ben achieved two 9s, one distinction *, four 8’s, one 7 and one 6.

Finlay Doherty also left the school gates smiling after receiving two 8s and one 7 in his set of results.

Andrew Atkinson achieved a ‘fabulous’ set of results with one grade 9, one level 2 distinction, five 8s and three 6s.

Lastly, Freya Thomas’s hard work certainly paid off after she received one level 2 distinction, one grade 9, three grade 8s, two grade 7s and two grade 6s.

The school’s pass rates for key subjects including English and maths sat at a commendable 72 per cent.

While health and social care and GCSE PE came in higher at a 78 per cent pass rate.

Concluding Mrs Mills said: “We are absolutely delighted with how well our students have done – it is so well deserved.”