A WOOLSTON library provided free data to low-income households with little or no internet access.

The successful initiative led by LiveWire ensures all families are able to stay connected even when times are hard.

Free mobile data was given on a SIM card to any adults facing financial difficulties.

LiveWire Libraries aims to tackle digital exclusion and enhance digital access and literacy among the residents of Warrington.

These initiatives play a crucial role in ensuring that individuals who are unable to afford an internet connection can still access essential online services and resources.

"As a public library service, we are delighted to have helped so many people already through the National Databank initiative," said Rachel Ralston, Strategic Lead for Libraries at LiveWire.

"We are committed to offering this invaluable support to as many people as possible, as we continue our mission to tackle digital exclusion and improve digital access and literacy in Warrington.

“Through rolling out additional sessions, we aim to assist those who are most in need."

LiveWire Libraries recognises the importance of digital inclusion and remains dedicated to empowering individuals by providing them with the tools and resources necessary to thrive in an increasingly digital world.

By collaborating with partners like the Good Things Foundation and major mobile network providers, LiveWire Libraries demonstrates its commitment to bridging the digital divide and creating a more inclusive community.