A VISUALLY impaired teenager is among a dedicated group of students who have shown ‘determination beyond their years’.

Eimear Slee has been blind since birth, and to Bridgewater High School’s knowledge, she is the first visually impaired student to complete the Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award (DofE).

The year 10 pupil was one of four dedicated students from the Appleton school, as well as her sighted guide, who took part in a gruelling 100km walk across hill and moorland terrain around Llangollen over two weekends, camping along the way.

Mr Owen Gifford, DofE coordinator at the school, said: “Eimear and her walking group of five showed real determination and teamwork beyond their years, to negotiate dense woodland, stiles, steep slopes, streams, wildlife, and the searing heat of this last weekend.

“For most, walking this distance alone is a daunting task let alone while carrying a full rucksack containing tents and stoves.

“The group maintained incredible morale and have made lasting memories that will drive them on to bigger and better things.”

Eimear is already talking about her next challenge, the Gold DofE award.

Mr Gifford added: “This shows the drive and passion Eimear has for the outdoors.

“It is inspiring to witness the students complete such a challenge with such positivity, epitomising the teamwork and skills required by the Duke of Edinburgh Award.

“They should be proud of their achievement. It has been a pleasure to work with them all.”