WORLD champion Aya Al-Rawi’s future is a bright one as sheer doggedness is allowing the skater to ‘live her dream’.

The High Legh 12-year-old, who attends Lymm High School, finished first in two categories at the Inclusive Skating World Championships at Hamilton Ice Rink, near Glasgow, last month.

Aya, who was diagnosed with diplegic cerebral palsy at birth, was inspired to take up the sport by her older sister and says by doing so under the guidance of coach Donna McCarthy she has learnt to embrace her strengths.

Warrington Guardian: Aya Al-Rawi and her coach Donna McCarthyAya Al-Rawi and her coach Donna McCarthy (Image: Contributed)

Donna believed in Aya's passion and inspired her family to grow her confidence in skating.

From being unable to stand on the ice and slipping consistently to strengthening her core, this has gradually allowed her to be part of Planet Ice Altrincham Shows on Ice and competitions.

And with perseverance and continuous hard work, Aya is now a proud member of the world-recognised Inclusive Skating charity that provides events, activities, education and training for skaters with additional needs.

Aya said: "My life may look different but with the incredible people in our life, we still achieve quite a lot which I am and will always be grateful for.

“I move slower, have adaptive equipment, and need assistance most of the time.

“I cry, fall, feel different, I struggle and still see people looking at me when I’m out and about.

“I have learnt to embrace my strengths and my family. "

She was born at 27 weeks and her balance was affected significantly.

From her daily challenges, physically, socially and academically, Aya’s family have learned a lot from her journey.

Her mum Yussur Al-Chokhdar, 42, said: "Aya has shown me how to be patient, Aya has taught me that we all adapt to life in different ways and can still smile and make the best of every day.

“She shows appreciation for things that many of us take for granted.

“Aya feels and shows pure love to everyone in her life in a very precious way.

“Aya looks in my eyes, makes me believe she has incredible hope to be strong and successful in her life that has many obstacles.

“I am so proud to be a mother of such an incredible strong child that I am growing with and learning from on this exciting adventure."

Her dad Ali added: “Aya has enriched our life in more ways than we realise.

“Her determination to build her strength and being involved in all physical activities is incredible.

“She is a genuine star that is smiling and happy at all times.

“I am very proud to be her dad and be part of her amazing life.”

He continued: “Misk Al-Rawi is Aya's 16-year-old sister who supports her daily at home and on the ice - she is a figure skater too and was Aya's main inspiration to start ice skating.

“Misk skates on ice and is part of the Silverblades Inline Team GB. The connection they have is magical.”

Warrington Guardian: Aya Al-Rawi and her sister MiskAya Al-Rawi and her sister Misk (Image: Contributed)

And Misk added: "Being Aya's sister has impacted who I am profoundly.

“She has allowed me to see the world in a compassionate way, appreciating the power of what an inclusive world should be like - where everyone is treated with respect and has value.

“Growing up together and seeing my parents care and make decisions on her behalf which is quite tough at times, makes me feel grateful for the way I have learned so much about life because Aya was and is a big part of it."