Dave McNicholl is chief executive of Warrington Youth Zone and writes a regular column for the Warrington Guardian

Over the past five years we have spent a lot of time walking around the area where the Youth Zone is now located, planning the different routes that children and young people will take to arrive and depart from the building.

When some of the young people walked from Warrington Bus Interchange to the Youth Zone site, they raised some concerns about the feeling in the underpass at the end of Dallam Lane.

They recommended that we brighten up the area with artwork or planters, although we have been really busy with setting up the Youth Zone and getting all of the team members in place and the programmes organised, we didn’t want to forget the suggestion of the young people.

With the support of Warrington Borough Council, we have managed to have the underside of the bridge cleaned and painted with a base coat.

We then worked closely with local artist Tim Tuff Twist, to design a piece of art which captures the skyline of Warrington and reflects some of the many high points of the town and some of the challenges and more difficult events which have been faced by Warringtonians.

Once the plans were agreed the painting started at the beginning of the school Easter holidays, groups of young people from across Warrington joined Tim and started spraying the walls contributing to the heritage of the town.

Tim committed his time to work around the clock making sure that the outcome was a piece of street art which is an amazing reflection of life in Warrington.

One of the main functions of the Youth Zone is to build ownership of the local area by children and young people. The Street Art project has served to involve children and young people in building pride and ownership in the area and the unveiling event on May 10 will give a platform to some of those directly involved in the art project to explain what it means to them.

If you would like more information about Warrington Youth Zone and the services we provide or you are able to provide support in some way to assist children and young people through volunteering, fundraising or promoting the charity please contact us info@wyz.org.uk or call 997277.

Please also contact us if you would like more information about the artist Tim Tuff Twist.