IT is another successful Ofsted report for a ‘happy' school in the heart of a village.

After a two-day inspection, Ofsted representatives found that Moore Primary School continues to be ‘good’.

Inspectors praised the Lindfield Close school which they say has ‘strong links’ with parents.

They described the school as a place where pupils feel happy and safe as they know that adults care about them.

The leaders at the school particularly impressed Ofsted representatives.

The report reads: “Leaders have created a happy and successful school that has strong links with parents, carers and the local community.

“Leaders provide many opportunities for pupils to take part in clubs and activities outside of the school day.

“Pupils also have the chance to participate in residential visits. All pupils, including those with SEND, are encouraged to join in with these activities.”

The ‘ambitious’ and ‘well-structured’ curriculum created by leaders is also noted.

Ofsted inspectors also praised Moore Primary School pupils who they say enjoy learning and achieve well.

“They work hard during lessons and are very supportive of one another,” the report states.

“Pupils’ behaviour is exemplary in lessons and around the school.

“They are studious and keen to do well.

“They are also thoughtful and respectful towards each other and the adults who teach them.”