Rev Beverley Mason is the Bishop of Warrington and has shared her message for Easter

A TIME of hope when all seemed lost!

The Easter story, which is being celebrated in churches throughout the town this weekend, is worthy of a blockbuster. The framing of an innocent man, a dramatic arrest, a show trial, torture and a public execution. It’s dramatic stuff. Even as he was nailed on a cross, Jesus was spat at and mocked, ‘He saved others’ they hissed, ‘but couldn’t save himself’. And if we left the story on Good Friday it would be such a sad ending to the miracle maker, the wise teacher, the one who spoke with the authority of the Sonship of God. Jesus dead, his followers dejected and defeated, the light of hope that he ushered in, all seemingly snuffed out.

Yet by Sunday there’s an amazing twist. An empty tomb and a gardener revealing himself to be Jesus turns the story upside down. He was dead, yet he is now alive! Not even death could contain him. He is changed, yet he is the same Jesus! He is the Resurrection! By overcoming the powers of evil and all that was thrown at him – even death itself, he has opened the gates of heaven to us and he brings back the hope.

And boy do we need hope at the moment!

Like the rest of the country Warrington has had a tough few years. Covid, the cost of living crisis, and anxieties caused by the Ukraine war create a sense of despair for many. Locally we are reminded of the shooting of a little girl in her own home and the shocking killing of young Brianna Ghey.

We all need the hope of the Easter story. This is why God has given us this story. This is not a fairy tale magic wand glossing over the realities of life. It is the hope that comes from Jesus who experienced life as we live it and who can understand and empathise. It is the hope that says, ‘good is stronger than evil, love is stronger than hate, light is stronger than dark and life is stronger than death’ [Desmond Tuto]. It’s the same story that assures us we are better than we think we are; we can become more than we are and we can make a difference for good if we simply choose to. It is this story of hope that inspires churches across Warrington to Love Warrington and bless the communities they serve.

It inspires those who provide foodbanks, debt advice, luncheon clubs, support for the lonely. It inspires those who offer hope for the bereaved. It enables us to remember the Warrington bombing and two little boys, Johnathan Ball and Timothy Parry and their remarkable families. It’s what saw the people of St Elphin’s bring hope to the family and friends of Brianna. Its the hope we want to offer you this Easter.

Easter brings a message of hope.

Hope for the poor

Hope for the anxious

Hope for the bereaved

Hope for all who are feeling hopeless

Hope for you! So no matter what you’re doing or how you are celebrating this Easter my prayer is that you do this with God’s gift of renewed hope in your heart.