THE first eviction has taken place and now another irritating handful needs to get out of the house.

Warrington has backed couple Mario and Lisa from the start but they really aren't doing themselves any favours.

The group was set the task to master an instrument for their duration in the house. It all seemed like a nice, fun task but mothering, interfering Mario had to make a big deal out of it.

First of all he was sticking up for his blind friend, Mikey. He should get the first pick of the instruments because he is blind, he said.

Aghh, leave him alone. He may be blind but he has a voice.

If that wasn't patronising enough the self-named "manager of people" undermined Darnell's capability of conducting the task and questioned whether albino Darnell actually wanted to win the task.

Last moan about Mario, what is with the yellow vest and red shorts lifeguard dress code that he was sporting? He is not on Baywatch.

Lisa stayed quite quiet and is harmless enough - more than can be said for that face mask that she seemed to wear for hours. Mario should take some tips of his girlfriend and pipe down a bit or he'll be facing eviction for the second week running.

Alexandra continued to be annoying. Come on, who actually thinks that the Queen is called Margaret? People are definitely catching on to her annoyingness. She clearly likes Mohamed despite wearing her "No boyfriend, no problems" top. A house romance would definitely make things more exciting. But surely Mohamed won't be charmed by her annoying ways?

The housemates' efforts to learn a musical instrument and perform 'When The Saints Go Marching In' was not good. Nevertheless they seemed to be pleased with themselves going by their uncontrollable cheering. Dennis' vocals were definitely the highlight of the act, he's hilarious.

Come on Mario, Warrington needs some more d-list celebs so please air your opinions to Lisa and save yourself from the booing crowd on Friday.