A BURGLAR has been put behind bars after stealing defunct foreign currency from a Birchwood business.

Damian Gawlowicz also helped himself to legal tender in this country, as well as currency spendable abroad.

The 36-year-old was charged with burglary, and he appeared to stand trial at Chester Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday, March 22.

He was subsequently found guilty, with the case proceeding to sentence and later imprisonment.

Prosecutor Michael O’Kane explained to the court how the burglary occurred on January 30.

Gawlowicz, having entered the business’ office as a trespasser, stole £400 in Great British Pound Sterling.

He also took 400 Euros and a one Punt note – the currency of the Republic of Ireland until 2002 before it joined the Euro.

Magistrates deemed that appropriate punishment could only be achieved by way of immediate imprisonment.

This was due to the severity of the offence, with the court hearing that the defendant has a ‘flagrant disregard for people and their property’.

Gawlowicz, of no fixed abode, but of Warrington, was sentenced to 16 weeks in prison.

He was also told he must pay compensation of £500, while he must also abide by a two-year restraining order not to contact two named people or attend the business he burgled.