THE funeral service for Brianna Ghey is to be held this afternoon in Warrington.

Brianna, a Birchwood High School student, was murdered on Saturday, February 11 - she was found with multiple stab wounds in Culcheth Linear Park.

Two 15-year-olds have been charged with her murder and will attend a plea hearing in May before the murder trial takes place in July.

Warrington Guardian: Tributes were laid at the entrance to Culcheth Linear ParkTributes were laid at the entrance to Culcheth Linear Park (Image: Dave Gillespie)

Brianna, a member of the trans community, will be remembered with a funeral service this afternoon, March 15, at St Elphin's Parish Church.

A number of road closures will be in effect ahead of the service, as a large turnout is anticipated.

The closures will be in place from 1pm until 5pm.

Between those times, no vehicles - including bicycles - will be permitted on Church Street, or from Manchester Road to Farrell Street.

Pedestrian and emergency routes will be maintained except for the section of Cairo Street as detailed above.

The council has said that anyone found to be in breach of the closures could face a penalty of up to £400.

Traffic cones are already in place outside St Elphin's, on Church Street down to the roundabout on Fennel Street.

Speaking ahead of the funeral, Brianna's family requested that anybody wishing to attend the funeral wear an item of pink clothing.

They have also asked that in place of flowers, donations be made to the charity MiSP – Mindfulness in Schools Project.

Brianna Ghey's funeral will take place at 2.45pm on Wednesday, March 15, at St Elphin's Parish Church.

Cheshire Constabulary continue to dissuade individuals from speculating about Brianna's death, as this could prejudice the impending murder trial.