GOD Stephanie looks rough first thing in the morning - in fact none of them are looking too clever.

Remember the girls' long shiny tresses going into the house on Thursday night?

God, where's the GHDs when you need them?

Lisa's looks really dodgy without her make-up on and devil's spawn Alex looks like Hilda Ogden in her headscarf.

"When I'm ready to talk to you, I'll talk to you," she barks at bewildered Welsh girl Rachel who is still trying to make amends after last night's soggy chip fiasco.

Fortunately, Peanuthead Rex is now doing all the cooking.

Is there anyone that Alex doesn't argue with?

It's disappointing that BB didn't punish 'da bitch' yesterday. You disrespecting us BB?

She's trying to be this year's Charlie but she's not got the looks.

Sylvia has unwisely decided to befriend Alex and that could cost her on the next vote.

Loathsome Dennis, the only gay in the house, also appears to be in Alex's camp.

Meanwhile Super Mario is being daddy - trying to smooth troubled waters by calling a house meeting.

He's wittering on about health and safety.

Housemates have been leaving high heeled shoes around and Mikey (he can't see you know) is unaware of these hazards.

Sorry Mario, but the reason they don't put more 43-year-olds in the house is because they don't want to live with their parents. Get a grip man!

Today's task is all about balls! How long can you hold yours for?

Mario's muscles really let him down and he whimps out very early on.

Never mind, as a consolation prize, Lisa gives him a massage.

Where did he get those undies from? They're gross.

And wasn't he wearing them the other day? Bet he's not washed them.

No wonder Darnell never opens his eyes!