A TRIAL date has been set for two teenagers charged with the murder of Brianna Ghey.

A 15-year-old girl and boy, from Warrington and Leigh, appeared before Liverpool Crown Court this morning after being charged by detectives yesterday, Wednesday.

The trial will begin on July 10 and a plea hearing is set for May.

The girl and boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, appeared at Chester Magistrates' Court yesterday, Wednesday.

The teenagers, who appeared on separate videolinks from youth detention accommodation and were both accompanied by an adult, spoke to confirm their names and dates of birth.

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The girl's parents and the boy's mother were in the public gallery for the hearing, which lasted just under half an hour, and both mothers appeared tearful.

Judge David Aubrey KC fixed a trial date for July 10, with the case expected to last about three weeks.

He remanded them both into youth detention accommodation ahead of a plea and trial preparation hearing on May 2.

During the hearing on Wednesday, prosecutor, Leanne Gallagher, described it as a 'pre-meditated, brutal and punishing attack'.

Last Saturday, Brianna, a 16-year-old from Birchwood, was found on a path at Culcheth Linear Park with multiple stab wounds. She was sadly pronounced dead at the scene.

The two suspects were arrested in connection with the incident on Sunday.