THE classic tale of Dick Whittington kicked off its showing at the annual Parr Hall Pantomime on Friday.

The much-loved venue will be the venue for the show until this Sunday, January 15.

And photographer Dave Gillespie went along to snap a taste of the action.

Dick Whittington takes place hundreds of years ago in London, and sees the hero of the show, Dick, take on the Queen Rat, as she seeks to take over London.

Dick Whittington launched at Parr Hall on Friday

Dick Whittington launched at Parr Hall on Friday

Amy Leek - who plays Alice in the show - said: "Pantomime always used to be part of my Christmastime with my family.

"It's really for everyone."

Leo Atkin is a stage veteran, having previously played roles such as King Lear - he will play the Captain in Dick Whittington.

Leo said: "There's nothing like a live audience, it's absolutely magic."

The villainess of the show, played by Natalie Walton, said: "Being back on stage after Covid lockdowns and having an audience give a good response just gives me chills.

"We're actually back."

Dick Whittington launched at Parr Hall on Friday

Dick Whittington launched at Parr Hall on Friday

Leo added: "A pantomime gives you more freedom than straight theatre.

"It is the most shared experience that performers can have with an audience."

Although most people will be familiar with the name of the production, it is not as well-known as other shows, such as Cinderella or Snow White - something the cast says will play to their advantage.

Natalie said: "Every character has something relatable within them."

Dick Whittington launched at Parr Hall on Friday

Dick Whittington launched at Parr Hall on Friday

The cast summed up the show, and the environment that the show will create, by saying: "If you want an escape, and a good laugh, this is for you.

"It'll be fun for all the family."

Dick Whittington is being put on between Parr Hall and Tony Peers Ltd, and will run to January 15.

Tickets and more information can be found on Culture Warrington's website.

Dick Whittington launched at Parr Hall on Friday

Dick Whittington launched at Parr Hall on Friday

Dick Whittington launched at Parr Hall on Friday

Dick Whittington launched at Parr Hall on Friday

Dick Whittington launched at Parr Hall on Friday

Dick Whittington launched at Parr Hall on Friday

Dick Whittington launched at Parr Hall on Friday

Dick Whittington launched at Parr Hall on Friday

Dick Whittington launched at Parr Hall on Friday

Dick Whittington launched at Parr Hall on Friday

Dick Whittington launched at Parr Hall on Friday

Dick Whittington launched at Parr Hall on Friday