WARRINGTON South MP Andy Carter backed the Government in Wednesday night's chaotic fracking vote in Parliament.

MPs rejected a Labour motion that would guarantee parliamentary time for a bill to ban fracking.

Despite there being 357 Conservative MPs in Parliament, there were just 326 votes against Labour’s motion.

And Mr Carter, who has been an MP since 2019, did back Liz Truss's government in the vote.

Conservative MPs were ordered by whips to vote down the anti-fracking motion, with anyone who defied instructions expected to lose the whip.

Dozens of Tory backbenchers and ministers had previously voiced opposition to the resumption of shale gas drilling in England, so were placed in a difficult position when party whips said the motion would be treated as a confidence motion in Liz Truss’s government.

Labour former minister Chris Bryant, who said some MPs had been "physically manhandled" on Wednesday, said he saw up to 20 MPs all "surrounding a couple of Conservative MPs who were wavering as to how they should vote".

Mr Bryant told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "It was very aggressive, very angry, there was a lot of shouting, there was a lot of pointing, gesticulating, there was at least one hand on another MP, and to me that was clear bullying, intimidation."

He added: "I saw a whole swathe of MPs effectively pushing one member straight through the door and I've seen photographic evidence of one MP's hand on another."

Mr Bryant said other Labour and Conservative MPs have said to him that it was "clearly manhandling".

Labour's Warrington North MP Charlotte Nicholls voted in favour of the Labour motion.