THE other day Louise and I were encouraging Emily to eat up her vegetables and fruit.

To be fair, she's very good and eats very healthily. But on this particular day we introduced her to the concept of 'superfoods' to push her to finishing the last remaining blueberries in her dish.

Since then she's become fascinated with the idea.

"Daddy, is Weetabix a superfood?" she asked as we were eating breakfast.

"Well, no, but it is good for you, sweetheart," I replied.

Later that day, as she bit into a Milky Way I could see her mind ticking over.

"Daddy, is chocolate a superfood?" she asked.

"No, sweetheart, it's not."

More thinking from Emily.

"Is it good for you?"

A bit of thinking from me.

"Well, as long as you don't eat it all the time."

"But you eat it all the time."

I think my daughter's going to be a lawyer when she grows up.