WARRINGTON Food Bank is experiencing high levels of demand for school uniforms, as prices soar nationally.

According to the Children's Society, the average cost for a new full uniform for a primary school pupil is £315, and for secondary school pupils, this is around £340.

A new law comes into force next month, but because it comes into action after the new school year begins, many schools are expecting pupils to have the full, official school uniform.

The law says that state schools must keep branded items 'to a minimum' and that they must allow high street alternatives.

David McDonald is the CEO of Warrington Food Bank, which has been giving out free secondhand school uniforms, and he said that the food bank has received 'tremendous' support.

He said: "It annoys me to think that a child without 'correct' uniform, as a result of increased prices during a cost of living crisis, will be punished with detention."

David said that to buy the full, branded uniform from one school in Warrington (including backpack and PE kit bag) was going to cost nearly £600.

There are no criteria for using the food bank's 'school uniform network' and there will be uniforms being offered at St. Elphin's Community Centre for the next three Thursdays.

David continued: "It's hard to keep up with the demand for uniforms.

"We have members of the team spending days sifting through bagfuls of clothes - we're extremely busy, and I'm extremely proud of the team."

Warrington Food Bank can be found on Tanning Court.