A POPULAR pub has had plans refused to continue using a container as a bar and grill.

Seven Woods in Westbrook applied in February to retain the use of the space as a bar and serving area as well as the use of the pub.

The Westbrook Crescent pub was recently voted the best pub in Warrington by Guardian readers.

It had planned on using the space as an external bar and grill in an area near the drinks garden and play area.

As of yesterday, Wednesday, the application has been refused by the council.

Council planners were critical of the look of the container branding it as having ‘an unacceptably prominent impact on the surrounding area and would not be in keeping with the local character’.

The document also states that ‘insufficient information was provided to fully assess the impact of the scheme on residential amenity’.

The container’s use as a bar and grill was first approved in August 2019.