A SERIES of fun sporting activities will take place in Warrington evert Saturday during the summer.

LiveWire is running the events for youngsters aged 10 to 17 to help celebrate this year's Commonwealth Games.

The weekly sessions, made possible by Sport England as part of the Together Fund and partners Mad Runners, will be held at Orford Jubilee Neighbourhood Hub, Saturdays until September.

From boxing, dodgeball and netball, to squash, athletics, bike rides and boxing, there’s something for every age and ability.

The project runs from today at 12.30pm to 3.30pm and costs just 50p.

The sessions include opportunities to win prizes, lots of incentives and visits from local sporting heroes.

Saturday events include:

12pm Sports Hall – pop-up tennis

12.30pm Fitbox studio – boxing

2pm Sports Hall – kinball

Participants can turn up and register at 12pm, our coaches will be ready to introduce activities.

Paul Flannery, community sports development manager, said: “Thanks to this funding we will be able to offer a fantastic menu of different sports every Saturday for young people in central Warrington. We will be giving young people the chance to try out a wide variety of sports in a safe environment.

“This is a great opportunity for young people to keep busy during the weekend period and use the inspiration of the commonwealth games to participate themselves!”