THERE cannot be many children born in the past twenty years who have not read or heard the classic tale of the Gruffalo.

Julia Donaldson’s much loved story tells the tale of a brave mouse making their way through the deep dark wood, using the mythical Gruffalo to scare away the threats of the woodland predators.

It remains the favourite of Donaldson’s huge library of works for an army of children and parents alike.

And this weekend the Parr Hall hosted a different take on the familiar story thanks to the theatre group Tall Stories.

They brought the magic of the Gruffalo to life on the famous old stage, and the audience certainly loved it.

There were songs, jokes, for young and old alike, and some tried and tested pantomime style cheering and audience participation to enjoy as well.

Warrington Wolves were even cleverly added to the script.

Aimee Louise Bevan charms as the little mouse, just longing for a tasty nut as she meanders through the wood.

While Alastair Chrisholm gets all the best lines as he takes on the role of the three predators, fox, snake and owl. 

The Gruffalo might be a little scary at first for the littlest ones in the audience, but he is played with comic brilliance by Aaron Dart.

Those familiar with the BBC adaptation for the TV screen may be disappointed.

But for a first foray into the joy of live theatre, there is so much to enjoy.

Here is hoping the company is back soon with another story from the astonishing catalogue of Donaldson work.