PLANS for a new nature park and protected habitat for great crested newts have been approved.

Proposals for the land at Woolston Eyes deposit ground, south of the River Mersey and north of the Manchester Ship Canal, close to the Thelwall Viaduct, came before the development management committee on Thursday.

Applicant Churchill Enviro Limited asked for a three-year extension to its original planning permission to make the proposals possible by changing the date of all tipping and restoration of the ground number one Woolston Eyes site of special scientific interest to be completed by June 15, 2025.

Geoff Settle, a former Woolston parish footpath warden and chair of the Warrington Nature Conservation Forum, welcomed the plans.

The committee approved a three-year extension for the land at Woolston Eyes Ground deposit bed on Thursday and by default a new nature park. Mr Settle spoke about his ecology, environmental and planning experiences in this area of Warrington.

During the meeting, a committee member asked what would happen if the application was not approved, and was told that if it was rejected some of the wildlife gains already realised would unfortunately be at risk.

Mr Settle said that this was not an acceptable option and that the three-year extension needed to be approved. In addition, he welcomed further protection for the nature park under the custodianship of the Woolston Eyes Conservation Group, who have performed the role successfully for the Woolston Eyes Site of Special Scientific Interest for the last 40 years.

Mr Settle has highlighted that it should be noted that the term nature park is not used as meaning ‘open to everyone’. The park’s access will be restricted, and nature conservation will become the principal focus so that the wildlife is protected and managed.