VILLAGE residents have issued a rallying call for support of a beautiful old church which continues to be the centre of the community.

St Oswald’s Church has stood as a focal point in Winwick for hundreds of years and is a stunning show of architecture.

The Grade I-listed building is also home to community groups who use its space, but issues over recent years have put a strain on church finances.

Residents are calling on the local community to get behind the church and offer their services if possible.

“The ancient and beautiful Church St Oswald’s needs your help,” said Stuart Mann, on behalf of the Parochial Church Council.

“Years of slowly declining congregations, millions of pounds worth of restoration work and the pandemic have put the church finances in a very delicate state.

“Unfortunately, if something is not done soon, it would not be an understatement to say the central focal point of our beautiful village may be under threat.

“You may or may not be a regular churchgoer, but I hope you agree that Winwick and Hermitage Green without a working church just would not be the same.”

Many will have fond memories of the church through christenings, weddings or confirmations to Christmas carol concerts and light switch-ons.

While others perhaps cannot help but smile while passing the church border looking at the amazing work of volunteers to bring colour to the village.

“If you like me feel blessed to have such a wonderful church at the heart of our community, please be aware of its troubles,” Stuart added.

“Wherever possible, please put your thinking cap on as to what we can do to help it.

“For instance, the church always welcomes volunteers for upkeep and maintenance. Maybe, if you are a tradesman, you could spare some time to help out with the odd job now and again.”

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be held in Winwick Church Hall on Wednesday, April 27, at 7.45pm.

If you are free and wish to learn more about the church and the challenges it currently faces, you are welcome to attend.

Moreover, if you would like to offer any support, contact the church directly via