IT was the year of the tiger and one Chinese New Year event in town went down a roaring success.

An endless supply of fine Asian cuisine, an entertaining visit from the sacred lion dancing and some kung fu rounded off a fantastic night at Mr Lau’s in Springfield Street on Saturday.

The annual celebration took place on the weekend and left guests feeling satisfied food-wise and entertained.

Vietnamese prawn crackers, butternut squash and scallop dumplings as well as chicken and cream got the tastebuds off to a flyer.

For starters, a platter of prawn toast, spring rolls, curry samosas and seaweed went down swimmingly.

Peking ribs and duck and pancakes followed and wow, as you would expect, they were very good.


The butternut squash and scallop dumplings with the menu

The butternut squash and scallop dumplings with the menu

The ribs as well as duck and pancakes pictured

The ribs as well as duck and pancakes pictured


We were met with entertainment mid-way through in the form of the lion dancing which toured the full room before leaving no lettuce behind before scattering it with its mouth as part of a tradition to symbolize a fresh start for the new year and the spreading of good luck.

After another tour around for the lion, which one youngster particularly was captivated by, impressive martial arts and a kung fu masterclass followed from Liverpool Hung Gar Kung Fu – a talent that would have split my pants had I tried anything of the sort.

The firecracker beef, sweet and sour pork and curry were finished at home as I couldn’t have happily eaten much more.

Toffee bananas put the sweet finishing touch to an inch-perfect meal – and one that is a must for the next Chinese New Year.

For dessert it was toffee bananas

For dessert it was toffee bananas