PLANS to build four homes at the current site of a tennis club in Lymm look set for approval.

Lymm Garden Limited’s application for land at Manor Road Tennis Club will come before the council’s development management committee at its meeting next Thursday.

The application site relates to an existing tennis club comprising two clay courts, including an associated club house and toilet building.

But planning documents say the tennis courts are not currently in use and the applicant advises that they ‘do not meet current space standards’ for competitions and do not have floodlighting.

Planning permission is sought for four new properties, consisting of two pairs of semi-detached homes.

The properties would be accessed from Manor Close to the north, with 12 parking spaces proposed.

It has been stated that the application is submitted on the basis that profits from the development will be set against the development of new facilities at Lymm Rugby Club and this would result in the creation of four courts to replace the ‘constrained and limited’ current provision.

However, Lymm Parish Council objects to the application.

It highlighted overdevelopment of the site, residents’ safety during development being difficult to guarantee and the flats on Manor Close being compromised by the development.

Furthermore, 51 neighbouring properties were notified in writing of the application. In total, 60 letters of representation have been received from or on behalf of 33 addresses.

Grounds of objection and concern included the loss of a community asset for profit, increased noise levels, overshadowing and loss of sunlight.

The report to the committee says some representations support the development of improved facilities but nevertheless raise concerns regarding the proposals and impact of the proposed development.

The scheme is recommended for approval subject to conditions.

Planning officers say the proposal is acceptable, in principle, and will facilitate the provision of new tennis courts at the nearby rugby club, along with delivering four new homes to contribute to the borough’s housing need.

They added that the proposal would have no harmful impact on the amenities of the adjacent properties and that the application demonstrates that the impact on the highway network would be acceptable.