A CUTTING-edge nuclear research laboratory that is ‘putting Warrington on the map’ has been praised by one of the town’s MPs.

Warrington North MP Charlotte Nichols was recently invited to tour Moltex Energy’s new facility, which is located in her constituency in Birchwood.

Here, the co-chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Nuclear Energy was able to witness the technology developments underway which have the potential to solve climate change.

The ongoing research is helping to validate Moltex’s cutting-edge stable salt reactor (SSR) design, which is smaller, simpler and safer than conventional reactors, offering the possibility of faster deployment at a lower cost.

During the visit, Moltex introduced Ms Nichols to its fast-growing team of scientists and engineers carrying out research at the forefront of reactor design.

The visit also included a tour of the laboratory and a live demonstration of some of the experiments and tests that are in progress.

The MP said: “I was delighted to see first-hand the fantastic research and innovation occurring right here in my constituency.

“The team at Moltex is focused on bringing forward technology that can fight climate change and help us reach our net zero goals.

“It was wonderful to see the next generation of scientists, engineers and technicians forging their careers in Warrington.

“I was particularly excited to visit the laboratory only a few weeks after Moltex was recognised as one of 39 ways to save the planet by the BBC.

“These activities and recognitions help put Warrington on the map.”

The SSR is a high-temperature, molten salt reactor. There are two SSR variants distinguished by fuel type, with one using low-enriched uranium and the other using recycled nuclear waste.

The latter is being developed for locations with existing reactor operations and spent fuel stockpiles.

Both variants can produce grid-scale power and high-temperature heat, which can support the production of clean, low-cost hydrogen, which in turn can be used to create low-carbon fuels for decarbonising transport and industry.

The reactors can also produce dispatchable electricity, enabling them to back-stop intermittent renewables as a direct alternative to gas.

Simon Newton, chief commercial officer at Moltex Energy, added: “Moltex exists for the purpose of solving climate change, and we believe the only way of succeeding is by making clean energy less expensive than fossil fuels.

“We are developing innovative nuclear reactors, and the work being carried out in Warrington is essential to their deployment on a commercial scale in the UK, Canada and other international markets.

“Once developed and proven, these reactors will offer a means to generate sufficient clean, reliable and affordable energy for the world.”