A concert compere, who has spent the past 18 years entertaining audiences with his knowledge, wit and humour, has been awarded honorary life membership of The Three Towns Operatic Society.

The award for David Hill from Culcheth is in recognition of his dedication and commitment as he also worked as a props manager for 23 years, nine of which were also as stage manager for the annual musicals at Lowton Civic Hall and St Joseph’s Hall in Leigh.

David said: “I would like to say a big thank you to The Three Towns for honouring me as they have.

“I have enjoyed every moment of working with such talented and friendly people, whether in the theatre or on the concert platform and I shall miss them all.“ David was presented with his award and a photo album containing memories of “nights of gladness” by vice chairman David Kay and Derek Morris, treasurer.

In 2009, David was presented with the National Operatic and Dramatic Association (NODA) commendation medal for his valued service.

Chairman of the society Ann Batchelor said: “David will be missed by members and audiences alike.

“He was a member of The Three Towns family and regularly came to rehearsals to listen to what he called ‘the fantastic Three Towns full sound’.

“He delighted in researching the items that we sang and introduced them with enthusiasm and humour.”

Members of The Three Towns are now in rehearsal for the society’s annual concert on November 19 and 20 at St Joseph’s Hall in Leigh.