FIVE weeks worth of roadworks will begin on one of Warrington busiest junctions later this month.

Carriageway surfacing will take place around Cockhedge roundabout in the town centre from Monday, March 29 for five weeks between 7pm and 1am.

The work will take on the roundabout and for 100 metres along the following roads, A49 Lythgoes Lane; Battersby Lane; A57 Manchester Road; A49 Brick Street; A57 Midland Way.

Access will be under the control of the relevant contractor for the duration of the works.

The alternative route, which will be in place when signposted, for A57/A49 (Cockhedge Green) roundabout will be via Cromwell Avenue, Sankey Way, Liverpool Road, Parker Street, Wilson Patten Street, Bridge Foot, Mersey Street, Fennel Street and vice versa.