CRUNCH talks have seen Walkers Crisps delivery drivers suspend planned strike action.

Workers employed by Eddie Stobart Ltd, based at the snack giant’s depot on Leacroft Road in Birchwood, were due to walk out between February 17 and February 19 in a row over pay.

But further talks in the long-standing dispute have seen this industrial action, which would have seen 38 members of staff walk out, cancelled.

Strike action is still planned between February 28 and March 2 ‘depending on how negotiations progress’ though.

Steve Gerrard, regional officer for the Unite union, said: “Following constructive talks with the Stobart management on Tuesday, we have suspended the three days of strike action due to have started on Wednesday to allow negotiations to take place next week.

“Unite will be entering the next round of talks on our members’ long-standing dispute over pay in a positive frame of mind.

“However, the strikes due to run from February 28 to March 2 remain in place, and whether these go ahead are dependent on how the talks progress – Unite won’t be commenting further until the negotiations have concluded.”

Drivers had deliver Walkers Crisps to regional distribution depots across the UK had resoundingly voted to strike by a margin of 96 per cent.

An Eddie Stobart spokesman added: "We can confirm that a meeting has taken place this week.

"We won’t be making any further comments on this matter until dialogue has been concluded and a full resolution has been agreed."