STEVEN Broomhead is chief executive of Warrington Borough Council and writes a regular column

COVID-19 has brought seismic, difficult and disruptive change to our lives and livelihoods and its impact will continue into 2021 and beyond.

Although the decision regarding a third lockdown is dispiriting, it is also a time to regroup with renewed determination to beat the bug. 

The welcome arrival of vaccines will bring back a return to some degree of normality and a real sense of optimism as long as the manufacture, supply and distribution can meet the surging demand.

Government is learning that announcements with big numbers which have not had adequate local engagement and planning causes a dip in public confidence.

This is the context for some predictions for 2021.

Firstly the corporate culture that dictated work should be done in the office will evaporate hopefully like Covid-19 .The switch to home working will remain and government will be under renewed pressure to improve internet speeds as a key driver of regeneration . Cities will become less significant as economic growth points and towns like ours will reap the benefits .

The government will actually commit to levelling up the country in terms of reducing economic prosperity .

There will be a shift from a slogan to investment actions – although it is unlikely that James Rees Mogg will attend the Orford Festival . There will be significant investment in transport ,skills and well being infrastructures

There will also be a need to continue with job support schemes throughout the year as the national economy slowly recovers. Our town also begins to level up as investment in the central part /town centre begins a slow reduction in our own north/south disparities

We have just begun our new and uncertain journey outside of the EU .There will be some initial disruption and cost rises in everyday essentials which produce consumer reactions . People will begin to ask how and why did we get here in the first place based on a decision more than four years ago.

Slowly our new role with Europe will begin to settle down

Locally bricks and mortar retail will continue to face trading challenges as online retail contests its growing dominance .

Our major retail centres will continue redesigning and diversifying their functions including having a university presence within their environment. Our local retail centres \shops will have a major renaissance as the shop local message becomes much stronger

Locally the devolution project runs out of steam and is quietly parked as government concentrates on levelling up.

The Wire with a new emphasis on youth and the inspiration of 'GI' win both major trophies. In line with the vaccine rollout crowds return to the HJ stadium in the spring

This will be a year of renewed optimism built upon the determination and community spirit shown in 2020.