A PLANNING appeal has been lodged over massively controversial plans for a new care home on green belt land in Rixton.

Developers were looking to build a 74-bed home on land bordered by Chapel Lane and Manchester Road in the village.

It would have included a cinema for residents

They said there was a need for more care home beds in that part of town.

But dozens of objections were received by Warrington Borough Council with residents complaining about its location in the green belt and the impact on traffic.

Council planning officers agreed and refused the application in January.

Now an appeal has been made which the planning inspectorate will rule on.

A report back in January submitted to Warrington Borough Council said: "It is considered that the proposed development is inappropriate by definition.

"While acknowledging the submissions made on behalf of the applicant, in relation to the provision for dementia residential care in Warrington, these are not considered to amount to special circumstances."

"Given the limitations of travel by public transport and on foot, future occupants, visitors and staff are likely to require access to a private car to access the services and facilities available at Hollins Green and larger settlements.

"The resulting additional car journeys would give rise to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions.

"The proposal by reason of the poor outlook from a number of bedrooms and inadequate and poor quality external amenity space the development would not provide a satisfactory standard of residential accommodation for future occupiers of the site."

The report also said the building would damage the existing character of the are and the surrounding countryside.