A LOVING grandad who was born on VE Day will be busy celebrating both his 75th birthday and the historic anniversary.

When Dan Bridge was born in 1945, Warrington was united in celebrating VE (Victory in Europe) Day, with street parties taking place across the town to mark the occasion.

Today, May 8, Dan will be joining in a socially distant street party from his home in Stockton Heath, as part of his double celebration.

The keen golfer was born and grew up in Penketh on his family's farm, only moving from the area with his wife, Linda, after he suffered a stroke in 2007.

The couple, who recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on April 29, have two children and six grandchildren.

Warrington Guardian:

Daughter Dulcie remembered Dan's mum talking about her memories of VE Day having just given birth.

Dulcie explained: "Although dad's parents are no longer with us, my grandma used to tell the story that she was really fed up the day he was born because she was stuck indoors with a new baby and everyone else was out celebrating the end of the war with street parties.

"She couldn't join in and she could see all the girls walking past the farm dressed up on their way to Burtonwood Airbase."

Warrington Guardian:

Dan's family was originally planning a 1940's themed party for his birthday, complete with outfits from the period, but this had to be cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Celebrations across the town honouring and paying tribute to those who lived and served in the Second World War have also been cancelled, with many people organising their own parties at home.

Dan, who follows the Warrington Wolves and enjoys soaking up the sun, will now be joining in with a socially distant street party from his own garden.