THREE Warringtonian personal trainers are coming together to help keep the town active and mentally stimulated during the coronavirus crisis.

Gareth Scott, Jordan Barlow, and Craig Fitzsimons have created ‘Isolate’, a Facebook group in which members can share workout routines, upload motivational pictures and messages, and set challenges to help one another stay fit and healthy during the UK-wide lockdown.

The group has only been running since Wednesday, March 18, but already has almost 450 members.

Isolate are also offering “heavily discounted” personal trainer sessions to NHS staff “as a way to say thank you for all the hard work they have done and for putting themselves in harms way to serve the public.”

A spokesperson for Isolate said: “We understand how important exercise is not just physically but mentally, and that 45 minutes of exercise can help relieve anxiety, depression as well as keeping your heart and body fit."

In the Thursday, daily press briefing, Deputy Chief Medical Officer Dr Jenny Harries said the lockdown was “the best opportunity the whole county has to say ‘I’m going to use my one exercise session every day to ensure by the time this over I am super fit and so is my family’.”

The trio are all personal trainers at PureGym Warrington North, with Jordan and Gareth having qualifications in GP referrals for a variety of conditions, such as back problems.

Barlow also is a qualified sports massage therapist.