COUNCIL chiefs will explore the possibility of building a new bypass over Bridge Foot to tackle town centre congestion.

The possibility of the major new highway has been highlighted in the draft local transport plan (LTP4) consultation documents.

The council says it has safeguarded land to protect the route for a scheme named the Bridge Foot bypass, which would provide a new road between Brian Bevan Island and Wilson Patten Street.

It stated the Centre Park link road will provide ‘significant relief’ to congestion in the area, but that it still proposes to ‘pursue’ the Bridge Foot scheme.

However, a council spokesman says there is currently no confirmed programme for the bypass.

“This project forms part of a wider long-term infrastructure plan for the borough and its progression will be subject to further study work and review in the first five years of LTP4,” he added.

“The draft LTP4 recently consulted upon set out the council’s vision to transform the transport network over the next 20 years to accommodate the town’s sustainable growth.

“The plan includes a range of measures to reduce reliance on the private car and greatly improve walking, cycling and public transport options to ease congestion and deliver improvements to the environment and residents’ health.”

A key part of the £19.89 million Centre Park link road project is a new bridge across the Mersey to connect Chester Road to the town centre, via an extended Slutchers Lane leading from Wilson Patten Street.

It will also see the introduction of a new signal-controlled junction on Chester Road and traffic calming proposals for the Gainsborough Road area

It is planned to be open to traffic by late 2020.

The council has a statutory duty to produce a local transport plan, which aims to address transport-related issues in the area, along with setting a range of objectives.