A DOG owner is organising Staffordshire Bull Terrier walks in a bid to teach people about their loving nature.

Guy Dewell, 38, is determined to dispel the stereotypes surrounding the breed and educate communities about how owners have a big part to play in a dog's behaviour.

The dog lover, from Longford, has two Staffordshire Bull Terriers himself, aged 10 and one.

He said: "They are loving, loyal and caring dogs.

"I work with dogs 24/7, I see all kinds, and it's all about the way they are bought up."

Guy has noticed how he receives different treatment when people realise the breed of his dogs, despite them being well-behaved and kept on a lead.

He explained: "People will see you and cross the road- it's like you're walking a shark!

"It's hard because I have an eight-year-old and she comes out on walks with me.

"If we are out and about in public we will keep our dogs on the lead because we want to show that Staffies aren't dangerous."

Guy recently organised a walk in Sankey Valley Park, Warrington, for like-minded owners to come together with their dogs in a stand against the stereotypes.

Guy explained: "There was about 15 of us with nine to 10 dogs on the walk.

"We meet to socialise them and help with any problems anyone has and to show that Staffies are not dangerous.

"We met lots of other dog owners and there wasn't one bit of trouble."

To join Guy's Facebook group, join Guy's Blue Staffy Owners Group or Blue Staffy Owners Group.