EMILY'S first adult tooth is coming through.

There was a bit of a panic in the Craddock house last Sunday when Louise came downstairs and said one of Emily's teeth was wobbly.

The first conclusion was that the gingerbread bat (for Halloween) that I had bought the day before was to blame. 'Too hard, it's broken her tooth.' Then we thought it might be an ulcer that was causing the peggy to be dislodged.

Louise rang her cousin, who's a dentist, and he said that, although Emily's still a bit young at four and a half, it could actually be an adult tooth coming through.

So an emergency appointment was made with our dentist who confirmed that, indeed, her milk tooth was being supplanted by the first of her adult teeth.

Emily got excited with the prospect of a visit from the Tooth Fairy.

When I picked her up from school the following day I discovered Emily's wobbly tooth was famous and the talk of the playground. A few of the mums were asking if it had come out yet, as their children had been discussing it.

The issue was raised of the going-rate paid by the Tooth Fairy and we decided that a Tooth Union Council (TUC) should be formed by parents and guardians to fix a level that was acceptable to all concerned and which would not spark industrial action and the prospect of protracted arbitration talks.

As it looks like Emily might be the trailblazer, the pressure is now on me to pitch the amount at a decent level.

(I suggested 50p a tooth, but I've a feeling we might be looking at something nearer £2!) Better take out a bank loan, then.