Yet again we have had a very busy week.

Both Greg and I have driven over 600km in just four days, so when the weekend came we were certainly ready for a break.

The newspaper group we are working with, are going to launch a new edition into the Costa Calida area. # This is unfortunately quite a distance from where we live and we had never been there before.

The first couple of visits we got terribly lost.

The roads are all new and there are 2 brand new motorways there which as yet do not feature on any maps, so as you can imagine it was very confusing.

It is a very different area and lifestyle to Olula where we live.

We live a country life. In the Calida area, it is more apartments, and holiday villas, although quite a number of residents live there all year round.

We visited a shopping centre in a place called Alcazares.

There were numerous British businesses there, and very few Spanish.

Most of the signs were in English. We sat having a coffee listening to English conversationsit was the first time in ages I have been able to eavesdrop! Not that I am nosy of course!

I have also been invited to join a women's business group. They are called Company Women, and are based in Alicante. It has been running for about two years.

Started by a lively young lady who runs a marketing and PR company, it is useful for networking and meeting other like minded people who are trying to make the best of life here in Spain whilst also working for a living.

I met up with about twenty or so members for lunch in a coastal village called Bolnuevo. The restaurant run by a British couple served up a lovely meal and the conversation was lively and fun.

There was a mix of business ladies there. They covered all sorts of ventures, from insurance, restaurants, retreats, beauty therapists, radio and publishing.

We did the usual company trick of moving around tables between courses to give everyone a chance of speaking to different people. I enjoyed it immensely.

Then it was back in the car for a rather long drive home.

Arriving back to the tranquillity of our garden. Watching the fish, playing with the dogs, and listening to the birds and crickets singing away in the distance.

Our haven..we love it!