A COMMUNITY group which has provided more than 12,000 meals to families in need across Warrington is seeking volunteers to help with urgent repairs.

The Friends of Meadowside group was set up last year by parents from Meadowside Community Primary School in Longford.

They have since established food banks across the north-eastern part of Warrington, as well as running schemes to boost mental health in the community and giving out second-hand school uniform items to families in need.

They currently feed 120 families per week.

However, the group’s base on Alder Lane in Orford is in need of urgent repairs - leading to it calling for residents to pitch in for a DIY SOS-style makeover.

Mark Davies, a parent and governor at the Clough Avenue school and friends’ group founder member, said: "It needs to be up and running again by next weekend as we can't keep families waiting any longer.

"We need labourers, plasterers, electricians, painters and gardeners.

"We would really love the people of Warrington to get involved and help us."

If you can offer your services to the group, please call 07985293473.