A CONTROVERSIAL scheme to build a massive new distribution centre for Eddie Stobart on green belt land in the south of the town has been resubmitted to the council.

The logistics giant wants to build a National Distribution Centre (NDC) on land at Barleycastle Lane near Appleton Thorn, close to its current headquarters.

The firm says it will create at least 480 new jobs and contribute £18million to the economy every year.

But in a previous application, the proposals were kicked out by councillors at Warrington Borough Council in November.

They decided the economic benefits did not outweigh harm to the green belt.

Stobart has appealed against that decision to the Planning Inspectorate and has now submitted the new scheme following a public consultation in February.

Those talks have resulted in additional investment being proposed for the local road network.

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Speaking after the resubmission of the planning application, a spokesperson for Eddie Stobart said: “This is a significant milestone for the business as it looks to grow in Warrington, create new job opportunities and invest in the town.

“I am delighted that we have been able to explain the proposals in more detail to the community and that many of those who took part in our consultation supported our ambitions.

“The scheme represents a unique opportunity for Warrington Borough Council to secure a £73 million investment in the borough and create at least 480 new jobs in the town.

“We have always said that Eddie Stobart needs to build its new national distribution centre next to its HQ and training academy in Warrington. We’re pleased that we now have an opportunity to work with the planning authority to deliver this vision , on a site earmarked for employment development in the emerging Local Plan.”

Once validated, the planning application and supporting documentation can be viewed on Warrington BC planning portal at warrington.gov.uk