WE'RE getting through a mountain of nappies at the moment.

Some days Matthew can work his way through nine disposables.

Louise and I feel very guilty that we're putting extra pressure on our landfill site.

We try to offset this by recycling everything in sight (nearly recycled the cat the other day!).

The ethics of using old-fashioned Terry towelling nappies are all well and good.

But it's not very practical in the real world where you have a young baby, a daughter who's now at school, a full-time job, and a wife who's knackered from the demands of motherhood.

We're barely on top of the normal washing and ironing, without having to wash and dry bits of cloth filthy with baby poo.

One slight accident during nappy change can make a pristine nappy unusable before it's hardly made contact with the baby's bottom.

It's not uncommon during a change to get through a couple of clean nappies because Matthew's weed or poo'd again.

Imagine having to deal with that with old-fashioned ones!

So, for now, the landfill continues to mount up, and Pampers and Huggies continue to turn a tidy profit.