We had a lovely evening on Friday with my mum and dad here for my birthday, and on Saturday evening it was my turn in the kitchen.

My talents on the culinary front have certainly improved..apparently!

One thing I particularly enjoy about living here, especially during the warmer months, is being able to eat outside, and we really do make the most of it.

When we bought our house, it was the patio and the views from it, which we fell in love with.

Something we didn't do in the UK was eat together as a family, that has now changed for the better.

Even when we do not have visitors, we still sit down every evening, eating together and discussing the day's events.

For both me and Greg, it is an important part of our day.

Ben and Nick are both working hard on a new property, being built about 15 minutes from our house.

It is the first time they have actually worked on a brand new place, before, they had worked on renovations.

It is interesting to see how they have changed since we came to live here.

We enjoy listening to what they have achieved over the course of the day.

Both our sons now feel as responsible as we do, to ensure that we continue to live here. They have certainly adapted to the change of lifestyle.

Mornings tend to be a mad rush, feeding cats and fish. Walking dogs, and getting to work on time.

Evenings however are enjoyed. We do not have English TVno Coronation Street or Eastenders, any more! We don't even miss it.

We have had a few amazing thunder and lightening storms the past few nights. Luckily it has been in the early hours of the morning. They have been quite spectacular.

I love to sit on the patio and watch them move around the mountains. I tried to catch a photo of the lightening strikes..140 photos later I just about caught it once!

We will certainly be busy next week. Our daughter Emma arrives with granddaughter Felicity.

We were hoping to be able to swim in the pool, but the weather has suddenly cooled and the water is pretty chilly, so it probably won't happen. Still it will be lovely to see them; we haven't seen them since last January.

Let's hope it stays warm enough for them to enjoy the ten days they are here! I think Autumn is on its way.