EMILY's first day at school went very well.

It was actually half a day -- Louise picked her up after lunch -- to ease her and her four-year-old classmates in gently.

She was nevertheless worn out when she got home. She was asleep when I got home from work, so I didn't get chance to ask her how it went.

Not that I would have got much of an answer. Apparently, she tutted each time Louise questioned her about her day.

This reticence is quite common, apparently. The mum of Emily's friend Fergus says he too was giving very little away about his first day at school.

Perhaps the children make a pact before going home -- right, is everybody clear, we don't tell the parents a word? Got it?

When Emily started at pre-school she came home and we asked how it had gone.

Us: What did you do, Emily?

Emily: Nothing.

Us: Well, who did you play with?

Emily: Nobody.

Louise and I gave each other worried looks. Were we raising a sad, lonely Jilly No-Mates?

The pre-school teachers reassured us that Emily was a very popular girl who took part in all the activities and not to worry as all the children gave their parents the taciturn treatment.

The early morning routine is still working, although Louise drove Emily to school this morning rather than walking her and pushing Matthew in his pram.

This was decided partly because it was raining and partly because I'd left Matthew's pram out in the rain. I went to work with a flea in my ear.

Whether we'll keep up the military precision remains to be seen.

Watch this space.