I've learned a new skill: how to juggle children.

I should run away and join the circus. People would pay good money to see an act like that.

Only joking, of course. Social services would be on my case before I could say 'child abuse' if it were true.

What I mean is, I've learned how to juggle the demands on my time between Matthew, my five-week-old son, and Emily, my four-year-old daughter.

It's not easy.

Emily's keen on making plaster of Paris dinosaur fossils and riding her bike.

Matthew's keen on expelling trapped wind from his tummy in two directions.

I can honestly say having children is the best thing that's happened to me. I can't wait to get home from work to see them both.

Emily's at a lovely stage now, talking fluently and eloquently about the world around her. It's delightful to see her development.

Matthew's at that helpless, vulnerable stage where everything has to be done for him. And, I've said it before, it's not easy.

But what you've got to keep telling yourself is that they grow up so quickly.

You really do have to make the most of every moment, commit as much of this time to memory and to film and video.

Sometimes it might seem more appealing to flick through that magazine you've been meaning to read than it is to get down on your knees and do a jigsaw with your child.

But you'll never get that moment with him or her again. There'll always be another magazine.

So, on that note, I'm switching my computer off, and going home to wade through the Lego bricks and Tweenie dolls!