STAFF at St Rocco's are preparing for a string of events to mark Hospice Care Week.

On Monday, the team will be live tweeting from a nurse's shift on the inpatient unit before a second live tweeting session from the charity's shops on Wednesday afternoon.

The cause will also be exhibiting at Warrington Borough Council's health and wellbeing day on Thursday, collecting donations in Golden Square on Saturday and carrying out a bag-pack in Sainsbury’s in Culcheth on Sunday this weekend.

It adds to a busy week which will see a new story or profile released everyday highlighting a supporter, volunteer or staff member to introduce readers to the St Rocco’s ‘family’.

Events are rounded off on October 11 with a service of celebration at St Elphin’s Church at 6pm.

To attend email or call 575780.

Mary Ferguson, marketing and communications officer, said: “As a national initiative, Hospice Care Week gives us the opportunity to raise our profile locally, and ensure that as many people as possible know about our services and how we can help them.”

To follow events, visit the St Rocco's Facebook and Twitter pages and read more in next week's Warrington Guardian.