A PENSIONER man who suffers from industrial deafness is finally able to enjoy watching television after being awarded a personal grant to pay for specialist headphones.

Up until now, 73-year-old Derek Hensley had to turn the volume up so high in order to hear his television that it disturbed his neighbours.

Derek, who lives in Great Sankey, spent his working life employed as a maintenance supervisor and years of working in a loud factory environment adversely affected his hearing.

But because Derek is a customer of OneFamily, a mutual organisation owned by and run for its customers, he was eligible to apply for a personal grant from the OneFamily Foundation.

The grant has provided two pairs of specially selected headphones so that Derek and his neighbours can co-exist happily.

And as an added bonus, both pairs of headphones are wireless so Derek is able to move around his flat without being restricted by cables which could be a potential trip hazard.

He said: “I have always worried that my need to have my television at maximum volume would trouble my neighbours. It’s very important in a community to get along with one another.

“Now I am able to watch my television without disturbing anyone, so I feel guilt-free and my neighbours are happy too.

“A huge weight has been taken off of my shoulders, and for that I can’t thank OneFamily enough.”

Members can apply for grants or community awards for projects in their area by visiting foundation.onefamily.com/