The small Cumbrian town of Kirkby Lonsdale was the destination for members on Sunday, February 18.

The village of Tunstall was the starting point of the A party led by Roger Hendry. Field paths took them first to Cowan Bridge, and from there it was on to the low moorland area of Leck, Casterton and Barbon Fells. The party then descended to the village of Barbon and on to the finish in Kirkby Lonsdale for a total of 14 miles.

Tracy Peacock led the B party from Barbon to the High Road, Bowens, Sowermite Farm, Millhouse, Calf Top, Castle Knott, Devils Crag, Eskholme, Oaktree Farm, Hodge Bridge, Beckfoot Farm, Lowfields Lane, Lowfield Wood, Casterton, Casterton Hall, Casterton Park, High Casterton, Lath Lane and then to the finish for a distance of 12 miles.

Also starting in Barbon, the C party, led by Pauline Jones, went first to Barbondale, then on to Bundbeck Bridge, Bull Pot Farm, Hoggs Hill Brownthwaite Pike, Bindloss Farm, High Casterton, Devils Bridge, and finally to the finish in Kirkby Lonsdale for a distance of 9.5 miles.

The D party, led by Sandra Hart, started their walk in the small village of Hodgebridge Barbon. The group began by taking a footpath up Barbon Dale to Blindbeck Bridge via Barbon Beck, from there it was on to Pull Pot Farm. The party ascended to Brownthwaite Pike, before joining a bridleway past Bindloss Farm that took them to Wandales Lane. A narrow country lane took the party back to Kirkby Lonsdale for a total of 8.2 miles.

The next coach outing is to Llandegla (Denbighs) this Sunday. To book call Mrs I Brewin on 766870.