I COULDN’T believe my eyes last week reading the story about Warrington Dominoes League which has banned women from playing on certain teams.

It’s 2013 for goodness sake – why are women still being treated as if they are second class citizens?

Not for one minute would I want to play dominoes – I associate it as a game for old men in back street pubs, but if Penelope Kieth wants a go then she should be allowed.

So I applaud Penelope for taking a stance against this misogynistic group who held secret ballots to decide women are not welcome and refused to even speak about their decision.

I’m sure that many of these men probably just want time away from their families, to have a pint and a game of dominoes and don’t see why women should spoil their fun.

That’s fine if they want to do that as a group of friends but once you start setting up leagues and making it formal, then it should be open to everyone. Imagine the outcry if they banned ethnic minorities? It would make national news headlines.

There are a few organisations in Warrington which need to shake off their archaic image and start realising that women are just as capable as men.

A report on the clubs page the other week from Warrington Speakers’ Club announced that it was now welcoming women into its group. Why weren’t they welcome before?

In case they hadn’t noticed it, there are many powerful women running huge organisations in all sorts of business sectors.

This town alone boasts many successful women bosses and plenty more running their own thriving businesses.

The Warrington Club in Bold Street is another throwback to the past. Founded in 1876 it was opened as a professional businessmen’s club. I’m sure it now allows women in but on its website forthcoming events include a ‘Ladies lunch’ and a ‘Race night event with the ladies’.

I’m just off to my club darling! Sorry, we’re no longer 1950s housewives with nothing better to do than make the tea, play with the children and slap on lipstick ready for our menfolk to walk through the door.

And don’t even get me started on organisations like the Round Table which has a Ladies’ Circle so women can occupy themselves while the men are doing manly stuff.

I know both groups do lots of good work and raise money for worthy causes – it’s just the whole set-up I object to. Why can’t it just be one group for men and women?

Even if Penelope wins her battle with the dominoes league I don’t imagine she’ll be the most popular person at the club but at least she’s taking a stand and I wish her well with it.

Talking of chauvinists, I got a shock on Sunday when I heard a knock on the front door and opened it to see Paddy Doherty of My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding and Celebrity Big Brother fame.

He asked me if I wanted my drive doing! I stared at him for a couple of minutes before saying no. I think the TV work must be drying up then?