IT has been a year since the shiny new Orford Park leisure centre opened.

As with any new venture, there was a fair amount of sceptiscm both around the cost and the need for the new building.

But 12 months on from the opening, which saw the Queen visit, and the arrival of the Olympic torch, the building is flourishing.

Classes are packed, membership is up massively from the previous site at Fordton, and any attempt to park there shows how popular it is.

And it is not just the swimming pool and gym which are being well used.

The library, moved from its previous home in Orford, is now enjoying record attendances and usage and the medical centre is always busy too.

The hub model was first used in Woolston in Warrington with the conversion of the leisure centre there to also provide extra services.

And while future ones may not be as all-singing and all-dancing as Orford, they do seem to point the way for the future.

It has to be sensible as well, it is far easier to have all these services under one roof.

ONE of the events to now call Orford Park its home is the St Rocco’s Starlight walk in June.

This inspirational night sees thousands of women take to the streets at midnight on a Friday night to raise thousands of pounds to help the vital work that takes place at this hospice.

This week, the charity has put out a call for more marshalls.

So sign up and take part. it is an extraordinary day full of extraordinary issues.