MANY parents would have received bad news last week – when they found out whether their children would be going to their chosen primary school.

I should know, my son and his partner were very unhappy that their daughter (my granddaughter) didn’t get one of their three choices.

She’s only three years old and yet her future it seems is set. She won’t be four until June and then starts school in September – which is far too young in my book, she’s still just a baby.

They moved to Great Sankey because of the schools. They hoped that she would one day attend Great Sankey High School which they understand to be a great school. Even that, although years off, is looking unlikely.

The Government has changed the rules – so there is no such thing as a feeder school any more due to the high number of academies.

This means that it’s all down to your postcode and they just happen to live nearer to Penketh High.

I’m sure it’s a good school, it just isn’t the one they had chosen. It’s all down to personal choice – or at least it would be in an ideal world.

And there are plenty of other parents who aren’t happy either. In particular those who live on Chapelford.

One mum who wanted a place for her four-year-old at Chapelford Primary said she has watched the school being built but has been told that they live too far away ... by 40 metres!

And another mum says she has spent nine years as a school governor, but she still didn’t get her school of choice. The Chapelford parents have my sympathy.

If you live there then surely your child should get a place at the primary school? After all, isn’t that why they built it?

Chapelford Primary School has inherited Sycamore Lane Primary School children.

That school closed and yet they’ve built hundreds of houses with not enough school provision for the residents. This is having a knock-on effect to the surrounding area.

Life was a lot simpler when my boys where young. You picked one of two primary schools and once one son was given a place, the other boys automatically got one too.

The same at high school. My boys went to Lymm but I’m sure as we live in Grappenhall, that now that wouldn’t be allowed. They even got free bus passes too – oh happy days!

Let me know how you got on with your child’s school place? Did you get the school you wanted.

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