An NHS outfit set up to give help and advice to Warrington GPs has gained an unwanted honour – this year’s Golden Bull award for ‘the worst written nonsense’.

Step forward Cheshire, Warrington and Wirral NHS Commissioning Support Service, which has swept aside all-comers to unanimously win the Campaign for Plain English’s top honour with this explanation of a commissioning support unit...

“A unique factor of the NHS Cheshire Warrington and Wirral Commissioning support organisation is its systematised methodology for project and programme management of small, medium, large service re-design and implementation…

"Building in equality and risk impact assessments the options are taken through a process to arrive at the content for an output based specification and benefits foreseen as a result of the implementation. “The service is inclusive of full engagement with Clinical Commissioning Groups who direct at decision-making points how they wish the proposal to be deployed (re-commmisson, de-commission or changes to current services/providers), and lastly an implementation team who see the service redesign through to evaluation and benefits realisation."

And if you're still feeling confused and may wish to find out exactly what it is that the Cheshire, Warrington and Wirral NHS Commissioning Support Service actually does, looking at its website might leave you none the wiser.

“We offer a comprehensive commissioning support service supplying commissioners with support for any aspect of the commissioning lifecycle, together with additional essential business services and services we call specialist. Our commitment will be to work with customers to ensure our solutions reflect their needs.”

So now we know.

Each year, The Plain English Campaign gives awards to those organisations which it has judged to have produced the best and worst examples of English.

The infamous 'Golden Bull' and 'Foot in Mouth' awards "inject a sense of mischief and humour into the proceedings."

Professor Brian Cox and the Guardian newspaper were praised by the group for their excellent use of straight-forward language to explain complex issues.