Whitely WI By Anne Lucas It was time to celebrate our 74th Birthday with a rendition of Happy Birthday and a delicious fruit cake made by Mary Highmore and iced by Ann O'Brien. It was cut with due ceremony by Nancy Coates, a member since 1946. After the ceremony we heard Judith Walmsley talk on Working with the Homeless'

Judith related situations she had encountered during her secondment to a small team working with the homeless whilst working in the Greater Manchester Police. She told of beggars, many with drug and alcohol problems, people with mental health issues and those who became homeless to escape tragic and often complicated home circumstances.

A team of housing specialists, social services, Primary Health Care Trusts, GP's, nurses, chiropodists, dentists and even vets to care for the pets of the homeless was formed. We learned of the success stories where individuals had their lives successfully turned around with the help of the multi-disciplined team and also of those who tragically died in the cold on the streets of Manchester. There were those who had amputations caused by their addictions and, one of whom went into rehab, turned his life around and became a Paraplegic Olympic basket ball competitor. Despite such a distressing subject Judith spoke with a lively humour which in no way demeaned the less fortunate living on the streets.

It is good to know that Whitley WI continues not only to learn about the pleasures in life, but is prepared to address and face the social issues of our times which can either directly or indirectly affect all our lives in some way or another.

There is a change of programme for the meeting on March 2 when Lyn Clarke will speak on 'Trekking to the North Pole and Liz Botrill's talk A Day in the Life of Family Lawyer will now be on May 3.

We have a diary of lots of forthcoming events with something for everyone, so why not contact Paula on 730564 or Mary on 263466. Visitors are always welcome. Meetings are on the first Thursday of the month at 7.30 pm in WhitleyVillage Hall.